wet fish slap

I’ve been undisciplined in my progress posting but that was due to circumstances that I wouldn’t bore anybody with. Trust me, it’s really boring.

Week 4 was an easy week to let the legs absorb the work from the previous weeks. I stuck very loosely to the plan, as I only had time to fit in turbo sessions. I wedged them into my schedule when I could.

Tomorrow is the start of week five. I remember at the start of this process I was wondering if I’d stick to the entire ten weeks of effort. I’ll probably regret this in a couple of weeks but right now I’m looking forward to the next six to see where it takes me.

My legs are getting stronger, and the muscles are slowly regaining the definition I had in them prior to my injury at the end of last year. I am still carrying seven or eight kilos of extra weight and I’m hoping the increase in intensity over the next few weeks will help me shed that.

I haven’t made any conscious effort to shed the weight yet this year. My diet hasn’t changed too much though, and that is partly why I am surprised it hasn’t been reduced too much just yet, considering I had almost three months of inactivity (my own fault I know).

I coordinated my wee session today with the last twenty kilometers of Gent-Wevelgem. It was great to see another fine effort from Sam Bennett who finished in 15th.