1. Thursday – Belly

    Explosions in the sky
    Drums beating birds fly
    Streamers streaming up and down
    Bounding bouncing enerball.

  2. Wednesday – Foxy

    Deadlines trotting closer still
    Away away don’t make me ill
    I’ll get around to it soon
    Like when I promised I’d clean my room.

  3. Tuesday – Brassing

    To use them too frequently is farce
    You can shove your hashtags up your arse.

  4. Monday – Harshmallow

    Despite being of the trivial kind
    No words I find for my rhyme
    So just this once I’ll let it pass
    “Ta fuck” said Patie Ryan to the ass.

  5. Sunday – Thunderful

    Sing a song of six cents
    A pocket full of crime
    Twenty four blackguards
    Locked up doing time.