# poem

  1. Thursday – Hansel and Gretel

    Silent morse code trailing through the wood
    Flower based navigation isn’t very good
    Tiny aviators consume up to their brim
    And so begins another tale from the Brothers Grimm

  2. Wednesday - Break Continue

    The dry grey snow dances in the air
    Point to point from here to there
    Such beauty masking destructive origin
    Choking ourselves and our future margin

  3. Tuesday – Green and Yellow

    Top up the drum fill it brim it
    Contain the volume prevent the overflow
    Vibration elation ripples abound
    Micro thundering toward the horizon


    Following on from my doing > saying mantra, I think there is room for some refinement.

    Rather than placing so much pressure on ourselves to do things, and being paralysed by the fear that we may not be able to achieve them, I think we should concentrate on simply trying.

    Try new food, try to learn a new skill, try to get fit, try to be healthy, try to be less angry, and so on.

    One of many things I am trying is to write more, hence the daily frequency here. I am trying to cultivate a habit of writing. The quantity and the quality are not important to me, the frequency and regularity is.

    I am hoping that the increased frequency will aid future quality. The chances of my writing improving are proportional to how often I write.

  4. Monday – Roof Drummers

    The the the, the the the, the the-the, the, the
    Drumming drumming drumming yeah
    With giant hands like oak tree branches
    Pounding the roof with bored puzzled glances


    Something I regularly say, but in some cases I don’t regularly heed:

    Doing is better than saying.

    One of the cases where I don’t heed it is seeing friends and family. I become self-absored in my own immediate family (in many cases rightly so), and “doing” becomes “I must do…”.

    I did something about it recently, and made phone calls to all of my siblings. A two minute phone call is better than a three second “I must do”.

  5. Sunday – Illumination

    Shadows cast bye the forgotten
    Mildew mold and somethings rotten
    Butt with one switch more no shun
    Discovered and touched illumination